Sale Subject to vehicle availability, must confirm with associate.
incl. taxes & fees, destination, on approved credit
After $1,000 manufacturer rebate and $1,900 dealer discount
Your Payment Options
Select the buying or leasing option that you are interested in.
incl. taxes & fees, destination, on approved credit
$3,500 down, 72 months, 6.79% APR
incl. taxes & fees, destination, on approved credit
$5,000 due at signing, 10,000 miles/year, 36 months
Offer expires Mar 31, 2025
Adjust Amount
The amount you pay at signing to finalize a lease contract and drive the car off the lot. It usually includes the first month’s lease payment, capitalized cost reduction, documentation fees charged by the dealer, an acquisition fee charged by the leasing company, sales tax and various state registration fees.
The maximum number of miles a lease vehicle can be driven per year without incurring a penalty. You can usually pay for additional miles at the start of a lease for significantly less than the penalty you would incur for the same miles at the end of the lease.
Do You Drive?
BMW Financial Services rates based on a credit score of:
Pay Cash
incl. taxes & fees, destination
Do You Qualify for Additional Incentives?
Additional incentives may be available. Please select from the offers below.
College Grad-LSE
See program details
With diploma in hand, you're ready to take on whatever tomorrow has in store and BMW Financial Services wants you to make your mark in style. Recent college graduates can get a great rate and $1,000 off a new or Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) BMW.
BMW Conquest Lease
See program details
BMW Conquest BMW FS Conquest Credit is extended to current owners/lessees of competitive brand vehicles. Customers do not have to trade in their vehicle to qualify. No form is required to receive FS Conquest Credit, however you must select the program at the time of funding. FS Conquest Credit must be used in conjunction with an FS contract. FS Conquest Credit cannot be applied to lease/loan contracts on vehicles that have accumulated more than 15,000 miles. FS Conquest Credit is available for current owners/lessees of competitive brand vehicles or individuals residing in the same household as the qualifying customer. Proof of residency must be provided in order to receive the household conquest. FS Conquest Credit is non-transferable to other family members or friends outside the household. Proof of residency is defined as (but not limited to): a current Utility Bill, Pay Stub or W2. Customers whose original vehicle is in a company name and now want to place their new vehicle in their personal name (or vice-versa) are eligible for the FS Conquest Credit. You may be required to provide documents establishing the association between the company and the person. Not combinable with BMW FS Loyalty or an additional Conquest program. Credit subject to chargeback. BMW Conquest Credit must be disclosed on the contract. All requests for missing payments or appeals for rejected or missing payments must be received by the Funding Department within 120 days of the funding date. Any request/appeal received after deadline will not be processed.
Definition of current or former BMW owner/lessees: - Current BMW owner: Customer with a BMW Car/SAV currently in their possession, regardless of financing source (proof of ownership required such as vehicle registration, auto insurance card, vehicle title or DCS Vehicle Inquiry). - Former BMW owner: Customer who sold their BMW Car/SAV within the last 12 months, regardless of financing source (proof of ownership required such as vehicle registration, auto insurance card, vehicle title or DCS Vehicle History). - Current BMW Financial Services owner/lessee: Customer leasing or financing a BMW Car/SAV through BMW Financial Services (provide BMW FS account number or VIN). - Former BMW Financial Services owner/lessee: Customer who leased or financed a BMW Car/SAV through BMW Financial Services and their contract expired within the last 12 months (provide BMW FS account number or VIN). - Customers do not have to trade in their BMW Car/SAV vehicle to qualify. - BMW Motorcycle, MINI and Rolls-Royce customers do not qualify. - BMW Loyalty Lease/APR Credit is extended to individuals residing in the same household as the qualifying customer. Proof of residency must be provided in order to receive the household loyalty. BMW Loyalty Lease/APR credit is non-transferable to other family members or friends outside the household. - Proof of residency is defined as (but not limited to): a current Utility Bill or Bank Statement. - Customers whose original vehicle is in a company name and now want to place their new vehicle in their personal name (or vice-versa) are eligible for the BMW Loyalty Lease/APR Credit. You may be required to provide documents establishing the association between the company and the person. - To view your BMW Financial Services current customer portfolio, please log into Info Bahn > Account Management > Manage Portfolio Accounts > Entire Portfolio and filter accordingly. Contract Eligibility
Credits must be used in conjunction with their respective BMW Financial Services contract types. Incentive: Loyalty Lease Credit Eligible Contract Types: Lease, Pre Pay Lease, Owners Choice Incentive: Loyalty APR Credit Eligible Contract Types: Retail, Select Loyalty Lease Credit / APR Credit Program Eligibility
For Lease Contracts:
The following new retail types are eligible: 1-Personal Retail, 3-Company Retail, A-Center Employee, D-Recognition, G-Executive Allowance and J-USAA for vehicles with mileage between 0 4,999 miles.
First consumer update of a Z-Demonstrator utilizing retail types M-USAA, N-Company Update, P-Personal Update, Q-Center Employee Update, R-Recognition and S-Executive Allowance with mileage between 0 4,999 are eligible.
Retired AMP vehicles, Demonstrators, and BMW NA Company vehicles with mileage between 0 4,999 miles will qualify when reported to the first consumer during the program period.
Vehicles that have accumulated 5,000 miles or more do not qualify.
The following new retail types are not eligible: H-Corporate Fleet, I-Daily Rental and L-Limo & Hotel Shuttle.
European Delivery vehicles are not eligible.
For APR Contracts:
The following new retail types are eligible: 1-Personal Retail, 3-Company Retail, A-Center Employee, D-Recognition, G-Executive Allowance and J-USAA for vehicles with mileage between 0 9,999 miles.
First consumer update of a Z-Demonstrator utilizing retail types M-USAA, N-Company Update, P-Personal Update, Q-Center Employee Update, R-Recognition and S-Executive Allowance with mileage between 0 9,999 are eligible.
Retired AMP vehicles and Demonstrators with mileage between 0 9,999 miles will qualify when reported to the first consumer during the program period.
BMW NA Company vehicles with mileage between 0-4,999 miles will qualify when reported to the end consumer during the program period. BMW NA Company vehicles with 5,000 or more miles do not qualify.
Vehicles that have accumulated 10,000 miles or more do not qualify.
The following new retail types are not eligible: H-Corporate Fleet, I-Daily Rental and L-Limo & Hotel Shuttle.
European Delivery vehicles are not eligible.
Model eligibility is contingent on vehicle supply and program support.
Can be combined with available market-level cash incentives and rebates. Program Guidelines
Cannot be combined with any other Loyalty program.
BMW Domestic Military Program- Lease
See program details
BMW DOMESTIC MILITARY PROGRAMBMW Financial Services in conjunction with BMW of North America is reintroducing an enhanced Domestic Military Program for vehicles financed with BMW Financial Services via FS Regional Rate Contracts. Dealers will have a choice to utilize the available sales support rate offers plus a Domestic Military incentive or the Regional Rate with enhanced Domestic Military incentives (varies by model).o Domestic Military customers get the option of a potentially lower rate plus a Domestic Military incentive or a higher non-subvened regional rate with an enhanced Domestic Military incentive (varies by model). Please note that the FS SSP Loan rate incentive is non-stackable with the regional rate incentive. FS SSP Loan and FS Lease can be combined with loyalty and purchase credits. FS Lease and non-FS funded/ cash incentive amounts will be visible in Inquiry by VIN. FS Regional Rates and FS SSP Loan incentive amounts are visible through lnfobahn. MORE DETAILSABOUT THE PROGRAM Customers/Centers have the option to utilize True Car Military ( for incentive creation throughout 2024. BMW Navy Federal Credit Union as an authorized partner to offer the Domestic Military Program incentive ( For full program details including customer verification guide and troubleshooting manual, please reference the BMW Domestic Military Program Operations Guide, located on Center Net ?? Automotive Sales ?? Corporate & Special Sales ?? Domestic Military Program. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS Active Duty National Guard Reserves Veterans Military Retirees Military Spouses Surviving Spouses Immediate Military Family Members
All USAA members with military affiliation and Navy Fed members with at least 60 days of membership One incentive per member per calendar year All customers must present their unique Customer ID and Offer code at time of retail NOTE: If your center utilizes a BMW Manufacturer Certificate for more than one retail entry, you will be subject to chargeback
children, step-children, siblings, parents, grandparents, grandchildren of the member, parents & siblings of the member's spouse INELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS Civilian employees Veterans with less than honorable discharges Service members serving in a non-U. S. military Service members not listed above (e.g. Coast Guard Auxiliary) VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY Domestic Military incentive is combinable with current New Vehicle Sales Support programs and incentives. Please refer to the BMW Sales Support Bulletin Guidelines for program eligibility. The Domestic Military Program incentive cannot be used in conjunction with the following programs: Corporate Fleet Program (Type H), FS Fleet Lease (Type FL), College Grad Program, OL codes, Dealer Group Program (Type DG), Group Partner & Family Program (Type GP/GPO), Diplomatic and Embassy Programs (Type DI & EM), Limousine & Hotel Shuttle Program (Type L), Center Employee Program (Type A), and, VIP Purchase Program (Type VP). TRUECAR MILITARY CAR BUYING PROGRAM True Car Program allows all members of the Armed Forces both active and retired in addition to current USAA members with military affiliation to qualify for the BMW Domestic Military program through an ID verification service. Please visit to check out the experience with True Car and to qualify your customers. DOMESTIC MILITARY RETAIL PROCESS - PROGRAM TYPE J New vehicles with less than 300 miles qualify for the Domestic Military Program. Ensure the retail is entered as a Retail Type 1 - Personal and Program Type J - Domestic Military. Z-Demonstrators with less than 300 miles are updated utilizing Program Type J - Domestic Military. For first consumer sale of previously reported vehicles (6-Service Loaner, E-Service Mobile, or F-Shuttle) with less than 15,000 miles or 9-BMWNA Company Vehicle with less than 5,000 miles, ensure the vehicle is enrolled in POIS and retail is entered as Used, Retail Type 1 / Program Type J (Domestic Military). Vehicles that have accumulated more than 15,000 miles do not qualify. Unique Customer ID (not member ID) and Offer Code located on the certificate or webpage print out provided by the member or eligible participant must be entered for the Domestic Military retail type to process. PAYMENT PROCESSPAYMENT PROCESS FOR FS LEASE & NON-FS / CASH DEALS Vehicle must be RDR'd using the correct Retail Type and Program Type (Program Type J under Retail Type 1)o Domestic Military incentive must be noted on the signed buyer's ordero Domestic Military member or eligible participant must be listed as the Purchasero Select Type J from the Program Type drop down list in the RDR Screeno Enter valid Customer ID and Offer Code. Ensure the customer's name on the RDR is an exact match to the name the customer used for verification. A mismatch will cause the retail to fail.o Program incentives processed via the incentive system 21 days after retail process date. PAYMENT PROCESS FOR FS LOAN (SSP) & FS REGIONAL RATE CONTRACT Vehicle must be RDR'd using the correct Retail & Program Type (Program Type J under Retail Type 1).o Incentive must be properly disclosed on BMW FS contract.o Domestic Military member or eligible participant must be listed as the Purchaser.o Select correct Target Retail Type and Target Program Type in the contract tab of lnfo Bahn to retrieve eligible Domestic Military incentive on the marketing program screen.o Enter valid Customer ID and Offer Code. Ensure the customer's name on the RDR is an exact match to the name the customer used for verification. A mismatch will cause the retail to fail.o Domestic Military incentive will be advanced at the time of contract funding by BMW FS. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA MOBILITY PROGRAMPlease reference bulletin# V-2-012-4-SS-11 announcing a reimbursement for qualifying customers who require adaptive equipment to their vehicle. Refer to this bulletin if a customer requires modifications to their vehicle and refer any additional questions regarding this program to Customer Relations. SALE OF VEHICLES WITH OPEN SAFETY CAMPAIGNS (STOP SALE VEHICLES) Please be reminded that it is a violation of federal law (The Safety Act) for you to sell, lease or deliver any new motor vehicle covered by an open Safety Campaign until the recall repair has been performed. This means that centers may not legally deliver new motor vehicles to consumers until they are fixed. No vehicle should be reported as sold ("RDR") until the recall repair is completed. This policy will apply to ALL retail types including, but not limited to, Demonstrators, Loaners, Center Employee and DRIVE Program, and BMW NA Company Vehicles. If a vehicle is RDR'd before the recall repair is completed, that vehicle will be ineligible for applicable brand related bonus and incentive monies, and a chargeback of applicable CPO certification fee will apply. You cannot report a vehicle as sold into the manufacturer's retail reporting system, expecting to complete the recall remedy at some future date. Please note that substantial civil penalties apply to violations of the Safety Act. MORE QUESTIONS?Any questions regarding the 202-4 BMW Domestic Military Program on, please contact the Special Sales Department via email at BMWSpecial For questions regarding Domestic Military verification or certificate creation on True Car Military, direct the Domestic Military member to contact True Car directly at 1-888-878-3227. For issues relating to member verification or troubleshooting for the Navy Federal Credit Union Car buying service, have the member call Navy Fed directly at 1-833-770-0572.
Vehicles must be properly reported through DCSNet to qualify.
Program activity will be approved for payment 21 days after valid retail receipt and upon confirmation of program eligibility and will be settled on the dealer's monthly summary statement in accordance with BMW NA's settlement policy.
All requests or appeals for rejected or missing payments must be received by Special Sales within 120 days of retail process date.
Any requests/appeals received after the deadline will not be processed.
Programs subject to change without notice.
BMW of North America (BMWNA) reserves the right to make changes to the program and/or terminate the program at any time without prior notice. All claims are subject to audit. In the event of improper reporting or other program-related improprieties, BMW Group reserves the right to recover payment. Payments will be processed through the retail incentive system. Only vehicles enter under the correct, designated retail type will be eligible.
Your Trade-In
The trade-in value (after loan or lease payoff) will be applied to your deal. This is in addition to the down payment
Value Your Trade-In
Get an instant estimate for your trade-in.
Lease payment
incl. taxes & fees, destination, on approved credit
After $1,000 manufacturer rebate and $1,900 dealer discount
* Payment subject to approval of credit with a credit score of 800 or higher through BMW Financial Services. Includes all taxes and fees, and any manufacturer rebates. Security deposit waived. 25¢/mile overage charge applies.
Additional taxes, registration and license fees may apply for out of state purchasers based on their registration address.
Taxes are estimates. The dealership will help determine accurate taxes prior to delivery.
Fuel Economy values are estimates and based on 2025 model year EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid models only) and other factors.
Click the link to view detailed pricing breakdown.
While BMW of Springfield and Roadster try to make sure all information posted here is accurate, we cannot be responsible for typographical and other errors (e.g., data transmission) that may appear on the site. If the posted price (including finance and lease payments) for a vehicle is incorrect, BMW of Springfield and Roadster will endeavor to provide you with the correct prices as soon as we become aware of the error. In the event a vehicle is priced incorrectly, BMW of Springfield shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for the vehicle presented with the incorrect price. In addition, vehicle prices are subject to change and all vehicles are subject to prior sale and may not be available when you are ready to purchase.
With Virtual Showroom, you can complete your entire buying experience online, much like you would buy anything else online. Of course, we’re here to help if you need us. Our Virtual Showroom site allows you to easily search for or configure the car you want and then explore your purchase options; cash, lease or finance. You’ll be presented with a fully transparent online deal sheet that includes the price of the car and all associated fees. You will also have the opportunity to purchase discounted service and maintenance plans. If you would like to proceed with the purchase, after a credit verification, you can accept the deal sheet and schedule delivery of your new car. It’s that easy!
Simply provide an email address or phone number to unlock our online-only, upfront pricing for every vehicle in our inventory. Our efficient Virtual Showroom sales process gives us a competitive cost advantage, allowing us to pass significant savings to you, our valued customers.
Safety rating on a 1–5 scale from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Predicted reliability rating on a 1–5 scale from J.D. Power and Associates.
The manufacturer's suggested retail price.
The amount you pay at signing to finalize a lease contract and drive the car off the lot. It usually includes the first month’s lease payment, capitalized cost reduction, documentation fees charged by the dealer, an acquisition fee charged by the leasing company, sales tax and various state registration fees.
The predicted wholesale value of your car at the end of the lease. Residual Value is often expressed as a percentage of the vehicle’s MSRP and is always non-negotiable.
The length of the contract, loan, or lease. Typically measured in months.
Non-negotiable fee, charged by the lease company or bank, for processing a lease.
A standard, non-negotiable fee communicated at lease inception and collected when the vehicle is returned. The fee, which can range from $300 to $600 depending on the manufacturer, is used to cover expenses associated with reselling the vehicle, including reconditioning and auction fees. If you purchase the vehicle at lease end, you will typically not be charged the fee although you may be charged a comparable purchase option fee. Most manufacturers will waive the lease disposition fee if you lease or purchase a new vehicle from the same brand at the end of the lease term.
At the end of a lease term, the lessee has the option to purchase the vehicle at the pre-determined residual value of the vehicle plus, typically, an additional $300 to $600 fee called the Purchase Option Fee.
The maximum number of miles a lease vehicle can be driven per year without incurring a penalty. You can usually pay for additional miles at the start of a lease for significantly less than the penalty you would incur for the same miles at the end of the lease.
The proportion of a loan that is charged as interest, expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR) of the loan amount.
A leasing term for the cost of borrowing money; basically an APR for leasing. You can estimate what your interest rate (see Annual Percentage Rate) is with a lease by multiplying the Money Factor by 2,400. (0.0025 x 2,400 = 6% APR).
Depending on the state, sales tax is calculated based on the city of the dealer or where you will be registering the vehicle.
The dollar amount provided by a lease holder or loan holder on a monthly basis to the lessor or lender for a specific period of time (lease or loan term).
Money taken off the vehicle price at the time of purchase. The dealership receives the money for the rebate from the manufacturer and passes it along to the consumer. By law, dealerships are not allowed to hold the rebate back, or keep any portion of it.
Amount you pay at contract signing in order to reduce the total amount you are financing. The higher the down payment, the lower your monthly payments.
Amount you are financing. The lower this amount, the lower your monthly payments but the higher your down payment.
Includes the estimated first-year state registration fee for your new car, collected by the dealer; and the documentation fee charged by the dealer to prepare a sales contract.
A non-negotiable fee added to the price of a new car to cover the cost of shipping the vehicle from the manufacturer to the dealership.
This delivery cost is based on the zip code you entered
Your sales agent will provide the most accurate pickup time available
Your sales agent will provide the the most accurate delivery time available
A soft credit check, or soft pull, is a credit inquiry that doesn’t impact your credit score because they aren’t attached to an application for credit. To verify your score, we only need your name and address.
Non-negotiable fees charged by the state to register your vehicle, assign a title, and cover the cost of your license plates.
This charge covers the cost a dealership incurs to process a vehicle purchase, including the associated paperwork and labor for processing the sales contract.
A fee for new tires as part of any new car purchase or lease.
A fee charged by the dealer for electronic document filing that cannot exceed the actual amount the dealer is charged by a first-line service provider for such transactions.
2025BMW3 Series Sedan 330i xDrive
For privacy purposes, your credit score will not be displayed. Instead, we use the score to estimate your monthly payments and customize your deal. Actual rates remain subject to credit approval by the lender on completion of a full application.
Current manufacturer lease rates and rebates end on March 31.
Instant Upfront Pricing
For purchase information, click the price details link to see every detail of your transaction. Scroll down to customize your payment options and complete the entire purchase online.